Using Filters in your Workspaces

Workspace search results can include an exceptionally large number of mentions if no specific criteria are added to the query. This may lead to results that are irrelevant or unwanted.

Using filters, you can narrow down the results of your search to a more granular level, depending on your needs.

  • Date Range: This dropdown allows you to filter the content in your view. You can retrieve 5 years of historic news data. For historic social data, please check out this link: 

  • Channel: Display only results from specific media channels (such as Twitter, Reddit, or News)

  • Domain: Display the mentions specific domain

  • Narrative: Display only mentions within specific narratives

  • Author: Display only results written by a specific author

  • Language: Display only results from specific languages

  • De-Duplicate: Return de-duplicated content over News/ Blogs.

    Check out this video of Filters in action!

Now that you’re familiar with the mechanics filtering the content in your workspace, you may be wondering how to translate your particular use case into the PeakMetrics platform. Check out this workflow guide!

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