Getting started with Workspaces

This article will help you use PeakMetrics' Workspaces to monitor your brand, organization, competitors, campaigns, or industry topics.

Workspaces are the heart of the PeakMetrics platform. With workspaces, you can gain comprehensive insights into your industry, closely monitor your brand or competitive landscape, understand the narratives around topics, brands, or individuals, and and effectively report on media. 

A Workspace defines a segment of the media ecosystem that you’re interested in analyzing and is comprised of all the related mentions. Typical workspace are centered around a company, a key executive, an industry or a topic. Workspaces can be more nuanced, like a group of sources or geographic region. 

Let's get started

Navigate to the Product by logging into You can access your workspaces through the left-hand navigation bar. 

Create your Query

Click the "+ New Workspace" button on the left-hand menu of the application. You will be prompted to add the topic of your narrative in the box that reads "Start with a company, person, or keyword...". 

You can select the type of search you wish to run, you have two options to run searches. 

  1. Basic Search: Enter keywords or phrases into the input boxes (Include all, Include some, and Exclude). Our system will then create the search for you. This option is recommended for simple searches or for new users of the platform.

      • Include all will search for mentions of every word or phrase entered.

      • Include some will search for mentions that include at least one, but not necessarily all of the entered items.

      • Exclude will exclude mentions of the entered words or phrases.

      Note: Keywords can include but are not limited to, your brand name, an industry topic, a product name, and names of key stakeholders or leadership.

  2. Query Search: Create a Boolean query using AND, OR, NOT, and many other operators for more precise search results. (see our creating boolean queries guide, and our Advanced guide to Boolean Searches). 

    Exploring Your Results

    Within your workspace, you now have multiple ways to view your new content. 

    Dashboard - The Dashboard tab gives you a birds-eye view of everything happening within your workspace. Here, you can see AI-powered Summary insights, Volume over time, Top Authors, Top Domains, Language Breakdown, and Top Narratives. 

    Everything in the Dashboard is clickable. We suggest that you play around with the filters to return different content. 

    Mentions - The Mentions tab shows all of the individual mentions that match the query in your workspace. From here, you can filter and find the content that you are looking for. 

    It's easy to export specified content into a CSV or PDF file from the Mentions tab.

    Narratives - The Narratives tab uses AI to sort through billions of interactions and help you understand the trends, stories, and communities driving what we call Narratives. Using Narratives allows for a holistic approach to discovering trends within the evolving media ecosystem. 

Now that you’re familiar with the mechanics of building a workspace using boolean queries, you may be wondering how to translate your particular use case into the PeakMetrics platform. Check out this workflow guide!

Need more help? Reach out to us at if you'd like some assistance with setting up or refining your alerts to capture high quality mentions!