Key Messaging Framework: Brief
Brief-style one-pager featuring bullet points advising on messaging recommendations.
Format focuses on brevity and clarity — providing data-driven recommendations. Brief will link to relevant data in the PeakMetrics platform, without diving into the underlying data or graphics in the report.
Standard SLA
- Existing Workspace: 8 hours
- New Workspace: 14 hours*
Emerging Issues Assessment
2-3 page report including Detect, Decipher, and Defend sections of analysis. Examines one key issue in-depth.
- Quantifies an issue by key metrics
- Qualifies the issue by examining mentions, key actors, and trends
- Advise with data-driven recommendations
Standard SLA
- Existing Workspace: 12 hours
- New Workspace: 18 hours*
Information Environment Report
5-7 page report including Detect, Decipher, and Defend sections of analysis. Examines more than one key issue — providing a broad and deep analysis of the information environment across a broad theme or set of issues across multiple narratives.
- Defines and quantifies the share of narratives within a broad theme and provides key metrics for multiple narratives
- Qualifies multiple narratives providing key mentions, actors, favorability, and trends
- Advises with data-driven recommendations.
Standard SLA
- Existing Workspace: 48 hours
- New Workspace: 64 hours*
* the new workspace estimates my flex depending on amount of data